The Survivors

There are a several living things that evolved over time. Several of them had survived until today while a lot of them vanished due to being unadaptable. It is not the dominators who had survived the test of times but the ordinary living things that were flexible to the environment. A lot of animals that existed millions of years ago don’t exist anymore. While a few species have thrived over times. In a similar way, the dominators of a particular technology and work don’t prevail for a longer duration but the people who are flexible with tools and techniques sustain over a long period of time. It is the survivors who rebuild themselves according to the different infrastructure and surroundings and take the world forward.

Technical brilliance is necessary, but the primitive fact is the understanding of the basics. How well we understand our platform – how comfortably placed we are in that – how well we predict the future trends – decide on our fate and our existence. We have to be strong with the basics If we are to taste success at work. Clear and sound thoughts coupled with best practices can take us forward. We have to be diligent and careful before making our decisions. Right requirements, proper problem statements, correct model and having valid data at place can solve all our problems and provide solutions. Understanding the business thoroughly is trivial.

All the business decisions are towards improving the scalability, productivity and sales. Identifying the poor performers and managing the network are also few of the factors. For a business problem, identification of it is the first step. Identification of the issue, cause of the problem, effects and the way to resolve are the steps involved in any business. For all of this to gather, sound knowledge of the business is important. We have to be right on top of things. Business may have several departments and our knowledge must be across departments and their functioning. With proper focus and skills, we can master this technique and make our businesses strong and growing.

Application of knowledge, skills, analyzing past data and evaluating them to predict trends will help us to come up with business decisions and come up with new strategies to improve the business. In this fast moving world where we have competition from everywhere it is of utmost importance to be aware of things going around us and put them to practice. Very few people are leaders in the industry because they have put their complete knowledge into it and have invested time and money into it. They drive the industry because of their innovative practices and decisions. While others are users of those ideas and apply their ideas into building solutions. Around 99% of the people are users of the creations from innovators.

So, the majority of the section is survivors who use the concepts of the innovators and build solutions. Those are the people who practice the wise creations. They adapt themselves into learning multiple technologies and follow them. Whenever there is change, they quickly adapt to it and practice the new technology to meet the market needs. Those who fail to adapt get lost. Therefore, it is better to be a survivor and stand the test of times it you cannot be an innovator. If it good to be there and exist than losing and getting lost. It is better to be a survivor.


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