Forever Young
In this fast moving world, no one has time for others. People are not even concerned about others’ issues. They are selfish and focus only on the benefits that they need. Due to the advancement in technology, although the world has shrunk and brought people closer, it hasn’t been fully utilized that way. The more people have been brought closer the more they are separated far apart. We don’t even care to know who sits next to us in office. This has become a virtual world. The No-Care attitude has cropped up in us. We have even got to the stage of ignoring our good friends. We don’t have time to participate in our friends’ events. We don’t have time to answer their texts and calls. We have come up with a firewall against the closer world and reduced our communications and relationships. Sympathy, Care, Love, Friendship – these became the qualities of the past. We are only focused on generating income and build our future on that. Thus man, using all of his senses has started to become