A Common Man's Expectation from the Govt

What do we usually expect from the central Govt as a citizen of this country? We all know that it has been over 60 years since we got independence and we all feel that we didn't grow to the extent which we thought of. There can be numerous accusations on various leaders politically and financially as to why we failed to achieve that but let us forget all that and look into the current situation and how we can grow from here. We all have a stable and strong leader now in the form of Mr. Modi. As a common man what are the things we expect from him.,

  • Agriculture. This has been the primary breath of our nation. But this has been sidelined over the years. the exports have gone down and manufacturing has been hit by flood and drought. Rain water savings has been missed out and the prices eatables have gone sky high. Farmers are committing suicide since they doesn't get relief. The Hon'ble Prime Minister has to order his office to look into this issue and make agriculture a profit making business. This is our oxygen, so the output harvest should be high and the prices must come down. Proper awareness and village development should be done. Farmers must be protected since this is the main and first sector that must be focused on.
  • Oil. The Crude oil prices has come drastically down and the benefit must be given to the consumers. The price of Petrol/Diesel has to be brought down so that all the sectors will benefit. Transport, Manufacturing and all businesses will grow and prosper.
  • Manufacturing. The industries should be given adequate funds for them to invest in their business and produce more good quality output. The supply has to grow to meet the demands.
  • Inflation. Govt should bring Inflation under control. We simply can't have the same inflation percentage over the last decade. Govt should encourage and bring proper schemes to combat inflation. The prices of raw materials and eatables must come down.
  • Connectivity. Govt is doing a good job in the Telecom sector providing connectivity to villages.
  • Business Entrepreneur buildups. Many have become business entrepreneurs  and their establishment is doing well. Many schemes should be announced and training must be provided to open small scale businesses. Training must be provided in all regional languages.
  • Bring Youth to Stock Market investing. Proper education and awareness has to be given to youths to bring them into markets.
  • Stress on Medical and Life Insurance. Encourage Siddha and Ayurvedic natural hospitals/medicines.
  • R&D. ISRO and Govt should launch more programmes and considerable amount of money has to be invested into research. New developments should be put to practice.
  • Energy. Electricity and Gas has to be saved along with oil. Alternate means of energy (bio energy and solar energy) has to be made use of.
  • Employment. Provide employment to youths. They are the future of the nation.
  • Prevent Corruption. Create young leaders in the political front.
  • Maintain good law and order in the state.
  • Start Govt old age and children homes, provide free education with good quality.

These are the minimum things, we as citizens expect from this stable and strong Govt. Hope our PM will satisfy our needs.


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