
Lost into the mobile phones
Buried inside the Internet
Boy, feels like he has the crown
Playing video games day and night

He's a star, He's a Fighter
Shoots all the terrorists like a Commander
Stays online all the time
For him, this's not a crime

Beats all opponents by racing @ 100 km per hour
The destination for him isn't too far
Slides down the slopes, jumps buildings
Gets too much glooed seeking his new findings

Forgets the world, forgets love
Breaks limits, breaks his vow
Completely dissloved into this virtual game
Not ready to take the blame

Gone too far, too wild
He's turned almost blind
Not a fan of the blowing wind
He's stubborn to be with the current trend

Blocks everything, blocks the world
Loses friends, loses good memories
Buried inside this virtual world
He's game for trendy play stories


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